2012 National Days of Action for Sudan: Letters to Guisma

To commemorate Genocide Awareness and Prevention Month, Act for Sudan members will host a series of National Days of Action events April 22-29, 2012. Each event will be unique and locally designed – but all National Days of Action events will be connected together through the collective messages we wish to send to one girl: Guisma.
Guisma, an 8-year-old Darfuri girl, is living in a refugee camp in Chad. Her story is at once solely her own and shared by hundreds of thousands fleeing the genocidal Khartoum regime in numerous regions of Sudan. “Letters to Guisma” is a nation-wide community art project featuring a silhouette of Guisma’s face printed on a postcard, to be filled in with the thoughts, prayers and well-wishes for Guisma, her family and community. The postcards will be sent to Guisma care of President Obama. By sharing Guisma’s story, we call attention to the ongoing crises in Darfur, South Kordofan, Blue Nile, Abyei, and Eastern Sudan, spurring activism and ensuring Sudan is put on the front burner.
Guisma’s Story:
Download Guisma’s Image
Download images for use in conjunction with Days of Action events.