March 1, 2016

Stand with Sudan: #JusticeNow – A Virtual Action

Filed under Actions

JusticeNow for SudanAs you know, Sudan’s President Omar al-Bashir is wanted by the International Criminal Court for genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. March 4th marks the 7th anniversary of the ICC issuing the first arrest warrant for al-Bashir.

This anniversary arrives while government-led violence against ethnic-African civilians has been increasing and worsening, and delivery of essential humanitarian aid is being severely restricted or blocked altogether. Camps for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and refugees are being attacked and/or dismantled, leaving residents defenseless and homeless. Massive attacks in the Jebel Marra area of Darfur have been ongoing since January 15. Villages are being burned in El Geneina, the capital of Western Darfur State. Crimes against humanity are rampant in Blue Nile and in the Nuba Mountains/South Kordofan. Dams are being built in Sudan in specific locations selected so as to eliminate Nubian cultural sites.

To commemorate the 7th anniversary, Sudanese and American friends will hold a rally in New York City near the United Nations, from noon to 5:30 pm on Friday, March 4th, in Dag Hammarskjold Plaza on East 47th Street at First Avenue.

Join the rally by virtually standing with the people of Sudan:

  1. Download the “I Stand with Sudan: #JusticeNow” PDF and complete the statement on the paper. You can also participate in posting the below messages without your own photo or choosing a photo posted at the bottom of this action.
  2. Snap a photo of yourself with your #JusticeNow statement and post it on social media.
  3. Post your selfie on Twitter with one of these suggested tweets (we suggest posting to all three throughout the day!):
    • Stand w/ Sudan @AmbassadorPower @UN_HRC @IntlCrimCourt #JusticeNow is arrest #El-basheir
    • Stand w/ Sudan @AmbassadorPower @UN_HRC @IntlCrimCourt #JusticeNow is #StopGenocideInDarfur
    • Stand w/ Sudan @AmbassadorPower @UN_HRC @IntlCrimCourt #JusticeNow is #StopKillingInJebelMarra
    • Stand w/ Sudan @AmbassadorPower @UN_HRC @IntlCrimCourt #JusticeNow is is arrest #Elbasheir
  4. Post your selfie on your Facebook page with a targeted message:
    • I Stand with the people of Sudan on the 7th anniversary of the issuing of arrest warrants for Sudan’s President Al Bashir for genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. #JusticeNow is ____. Ambassador Samantha Power and United Nations Human Rights Commission please act for the people of Sudan.
    • You can tag the following pages in your Facebook post by first liking the page and then adding them into your statement by starting with “@…” When the name pops up, click on the page to confirm that you want to include that page in your message.

Please share this action with your own community!

تظاهرة العدالة الآن – نيويورك، الأمم المتحدة الرابع من مارس

بينما سيتظاهرون ضحايا الإبادة الجماعية والتصفية العرقية يوم الجمعة ٤/مارس بالتعاون مع النشطاء ومنظمات المجتمع المدني بأمريكا أمام مباني الأمم المتحدة في نيويورك، ستكون هناك تظاهرة إعلامية أخرى متزامنة مع الحدث في مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي مثل :تويتر، فيسبوك، انستقرام، قوقل، واتساب، ومواقع النشر الأخرى بإستخدام عبارة موحدة يتم تداولها في المواقع على النحو التالي:

موقع تويتر

قوم بنسخ كل عبارة على حدا وقوم بالصق في الحساب الخاص بك على موقع

العبارة الأولى:

Stand w/ Sudan @AmbassadorPower @UN_HRC @IntlCrimCourt #JusticeNow is #HumanitarianAccess

العبارة الثانية :

Stand w/ Sudan @AmbassadorPower @UN_HRC @IntlCrimCourt #JusticeNow is #StopGenocideInDarfur

العبارة الثالثة :

Stand w/ Sudan @AmbassadorPower @UN_HRC @IntlCrimCourt #JusticeNow is #StopKillingInJebelMarra

العبارة الرابعة :

Stand w/ Sudan @AmbassadorPower @UN_HRC @IntlCrimCourt #JusticeNow is arrest #Elbasheir

الفيسبوك وقوقل والمواقع النشر السريع

العبارة الأولى:

البشير مجرم حرب مطالب لدي #المحكمةالجنائيةالدولية من #العدالةالآن هو أن يتم #تسليمه

العبارة الثانية:

#العدالةالآن تعنى وقف القصف الجوي اليومي في #دارفور

العبارة الثالثة:

#العدالةالآن تعني #حظرالطيران #ووقف#الاغتصاب

العبارة الرابعة :

#العدالةالآن تعني السماح لمنظمات #الإغاثةالدولية #لإنقاذالضحايا

وكما نناشد الجميع استخدام المنشورات الخاصة لهذا الحدث

You can also use the following images as part of your social media posting: