September 27, 2012
Dear Governor Romney and President Obama:

Recently the United States helped to facilitate an oil agreement between Sudan and South Sudan that fails to address the ongoing atrocities committed by the regime in Khartoum against its own civilians. We would like you both to address this question: “How will you act to stop the continuing mass atrocities against civilians by the government of Sudan?”
Act for Sudan together with concerned voters across America, calls upon the next president of the United States to:
- Deliver humanitarian aid to the starving Sudanese civilians in the Nuba Mountains/South Kordofan and Blue Nile State, with or without agreement from the UN Security Council, with multilateral partners or unilaterally, and with the urgency that is required to save starving people.
- Instruct the National Security Council to accelerate decisions and related actions regarding protection of Nuba, Blue Nile, and Darfuri populations from air attacks and to seriously consider the destruction of offensive aerial assets and/or the imposition of a no-fly zone.
- Support an end to the regime of President Bashir, who has been indicted for genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes, and support the movement within Sudan for democratic transformation. After 23 years of mass atrocities committed by President Bashir and his government, it is long past time for the United States and the international community to stand up to Bashir.
- Demonstrate strong leadership to end the government-sponsored violence in Sudan, protect civilians in Sudan and South Sudan and bring the perpetrators of genocide and mass atrocities to justice at the International Criminal Court.
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