Thank you for taking action!

Your email has been sent to Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon and Ambassador Power.

Please share this important action: Urgent Action: Stop Bashir from attending @UN GA. Ask @SecGen and @AmbassadorPower to waive US visa obligations.

Please also visit our current action campaign Obama’s Stained Legacy to take more action for Sudan:

OSL In 2007, Mr. Obama said that genocide is “a stain on our souls” and promised that “as a president of the United States I don’t intend to abandon people or turn a blind eye to slaughter.” Yet today, more than four years into his presidency, President Obama continues to oversee a disastrous approach to the ongoing genocide in Sudan. Please join Act for Sudan in telling President Obama that he should immediately instruct the National Security Council to develop a new pro-democracy and civilian protection-oriented policy on Sudan and promptly implement it.