
Filed under Actions / March 3, 2025

Sudan remains the greatest humanitarian crisis in the world today. The U.S has determined that genocide and war crimes are taking place.  Famine has been declared in multiple locations in Sudan. Please take one or more of these easy actions to help ensure that Sudan is not forgotten. It is vital to get food to Read More…

Filed under Actions, Public Statements / September 12, 2023

Letter is available here. We, the heads of over 50 human rights and humanitarian organizations are coming together to sound the alarm about Sudan, where a disaster is unfolding before our eyes. With fighting continuing across the country, brutal sexual violence rising, widespread deliberate and indiscriminate attacks on civilians, and journalists and human rights defenders Read More…

Filed under Actions, Public Statements / April 28, 2023

The letter is also posted online here. April 28, 2023 President Joseph R. Biden 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 RE: Human rights concerns in Sudan Dear President Biden, We, the undersigned organizations, are writing with deep concern over the catastrophic situation unfolding in Sudan. Since 15 April, fighting between the Sudan Armed Forces Read More…

Filed under Actions / May 2, 2021

Act for Sudan sent a letter to Prime Minister Hamdok registering our concerns regarding ongoing violence and insecurity in Darfur and calling attention to the urgent need for progress on the ground. Please help by sharing the letter with your contacts and posting and tweeting about the letter. Post this message on facebook: @actforsudan letter Read More…

Filed under Actions / October 8, 2019

Empower the civilian government, not Hemeti and the military. Keep Sudan on the SSTL until it proves its commitment to the new Sudan. Insist on real changes on the ground.​     Read the letter to Secretary Pompeo with 100 signatories, asking the U.S. not to empower and legitimize Hemeti by engaging him. Call the State Dept. Read More…

Filed under Actions / September 25, 2018

The United States must expel Mohammed Atta, the Chargé d’affaires at the Sudan Embassy in Washington.  As the former Director of NISS, he was responsible for organizing and executing serious crimes against the Sudanese people. Atta should be ineligible to be in the U.S., and his connections with terrorist organizations make him a U.S. national security Read More…

Filed under Actions / September 4, 2018

Given the terror and destruction associated with Sudan’s National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS), we are shocked the U.S. would issue a visa to Mohammed Atta al-Moula, the former Director of NISS, and accept Atta as Sudan’s top diplomatgy in Washington, DC. Atta’s presence in the U.S. is not only an affront to the victims Read More…

Filed under Actions / May 8, 2018

At a recent conference, Act for Sudan’s co-founder, Eric Cohen, shared Lessons and Challenges from the Genocide in Sudan  My group, the Massachusetts Coalition to Save Darfur, like the Pittsburgh group and many other groups around the country have been activists for Sudan for many years. Together, Sudan activism in the US has helped a great Read More…

Filed under Actions / September 14, 2017

Ibrahim Ghandour, the Foreign Minister of Sudan, will be in Washington, D.C., this Thursday and Friday to attempt to seal the deal on lifting U.S. sanctions on Sudan.

Filed under Actions / June 1, 2017

The United States is in need of a Sudan policy that effectively supports the people of Sudan in their efforts to establish a viable state that is no longer a breeding ground for terrorism and is no longer plagued by genocide, mass atrocities, forced displacement, human rights abuses, and gross mismanagement of the country and Read More…