The Sudanese Government is engaged in a full-scale military assault on the people of the Nuba Mountains/South Kordofan and Blue Nile. Hundreds of thousands of civilians are at risk.
Dear Secretary Clinton: Like Syrians under attack by their own government, innocent civilians in Sudan need immediate protection from the Government of Sudan. Please Act for Sudan – protection and aid are needed now! Hundreds of thousands of lives are at stake.
Tell the Obama Administration that waiting is not an option for the people of Sudan as their government masses its armed forces to attack Sudanese civilians and blocks humanitarian aid. CLICK HERE TO TAKE ACTION NOW Recent satellite imagery shows that the government of Sudan is massing its armed forces in preparation for a full-scale military Read More…
On Wednesday, February 1, at 2PM, the Institute on Religion and Democracy, the Beja Congress, and the Beja Friends are hosting an event to highlight the culture, but most importantly, the PLIGHT, of the Beja people of eastern Sudan. The Beja are yet another African Sudanese people group that is marginalized, oppressed, and persecuted by Read More…
The situation in Blue Nile and South Kordofan is dire. There is an immediate need for humanitarian aid and civilian protection. Recently, John Prendergast and George Clooney published a piece in TIME “Famine as a Weapon: It’s Time to Stop Starvation in Sudan.”
Now that the rainy season has ended, a government-sponsored ground offensive in Sudan’s Nuba Mountains has begun. The problem isn’t the Nuba Mountains, Blue Nile, Darfur or Abyei.