Earlier this month it was announced that Sudan, led by a genocidial President wanted by the International Criminal Court for war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide, was bidding for a seat on the United Nation’s Human Rights Council. The United Nation’s African group of states supports the bid and we have until November 12th Read More…
The Government of Sudan has ramped up its campaign of bombing Darfur and killing civilians. Instead of pressuring the government to stop these atrocities, President Obama’s Administration is actively working to help provide financial relief for the genocidal regime in Khartoum. Tell President Obama to uphold the spirit of U.S. sanctions against Sudan by actively Read More…
Susan Morgan, susan@paxcommunications.org Elizabeth Blackney, eliz@medializzy.com Tweet Crimes of Sudan Government Require Immediate and Drastic Measures to Save Lives, Say Groups NEW YORK, NY – AUGUST 3, 2012 – Act for Sudan and 95 international organizations sent a letter to the United Nations Security Council, the African Union, the League of Arab States and IGAD, urging immediate Read More…
Act for Sudan delivered this letter to several senior members of the Obama Administration at the July 30, 2012 White House Panel on sub-Saharan policy and to members of the Sudan Caucus at their briefing on the same day. Support this letter with a tweet and a Facebook post! Tweet this: The @whitehouse passive response Read More…
This week, as hundreds of thousands of civilians in Sudan face imminent death by violence and starvation orchestrated by the government of Sudan, Secretary of State Clinton will visit South Sudan to “encourage progress in negotiations with Sudan.” Given the gravity of the food emergency, Secretary Clinton must do more than “encourage progress.” Call the Read More…
Click here to submit a question at tomorrow’s 11:30 AM EDT White House briefing on Africa. Suggested questions: Why does US policy oppose regime change in Sudan? Why, after 23 years of mass atrocities committed by Bashir and his government, does the US think it can reform the NCP regime? Why is the US not supporting Read More…
Tweet The brave protesters are asking citizens around the word to voice support for their call for the end of the rule of the NCP and their advocacy for the civil, political, social and economic rights of the Sudanese people. Please take action in one or both of the following ways: On Twitter: Friday, June 29th, Read More…
Please tweet: Tell @Politifact to set the record straight on #Obama’s Broken #Darfur Promise http://bit.ly/Kdkx9a #Sudan Post this link to Facebook: http://actforsudan.org/2012/06/05/politico/ Please send this email to other supporters: Dear (Name), In 2008, the Obama Campaign promised that, “As president, Obama will take immediate steps to end the genocide in Darfur by increasing pressure on the Sudanese and Read More…
In 2008, the Obama Campaign promised that, “As president, Obama will take immediate steps to end the genocide in Darfur by increasing pressure on the Sudanese and pressure the government to halt the killing and stop impeding the deployment of a robust international force.” Four years later, however, the situation in Darfur and other regions Read More…
Recently members of Congress, Sudan activists and celebrities like George Clooney have sounded the alarm about the 400,000 civilians in Sudan’s regions of South Kordofan and Blue Nile that are starving to death at the hands of their own government. The Obama administration has noted that lack of food has reach “emergency” levels, one step Read More…